Studying a Bachelor of Aerospace Systems Engineering

At the University of Newcastle


Murray Consulting Solutions

Consultant & IT Support

Engineering Internship commenced in 2020 for the completion of 12 weeks (FTE) of Industrial Experience for Degree. Outstanding performance led to continuing employment as a Consultant in an IT Support role as well as leadership for Environmental and Innovation Programs.


NU Teams

2022 CTO & FYP

Founder and current CEO/CTO of NU Teams: the conglomerate organisation of student engineering & competition teams. Currently completing an FYP project “NU Teams – Student Teams Engineering Approach: A Systems Engineering Program” focused on a V&V and T&E program applied to all projects.


NU Racing

2021 Team Leader

Involved with the existing engineering team for the FSAE-A competition in the areas of Aerodynamics, Manufacturing, Design and Business Intelligence from 2019. Position of “Business Lead” held in 2020, and “Team Leader” in 2021. I continue to support the team in 2022 from my CTO position, V&V Program FYP and as hands for assembly & testing.


NU Rocketry

2019 Founder & Team Leader until 2022

An engineering team founded and led by myself to compete in the 10,000 feet category of the AURC. This is a student project to design & build a rocket with an off-the-shelf solid rocket motor that aims to achieve a specific maximum altitude (apogee). Current research includes active recovery controller, and future research areas include hybrid propulsion, composites manufacturing, and advanced control surfaces. I continue to support the team in 2022 from my CTO position & V&V Program FYP.


“Inspire, support and empower undergraduates who have a deep-seeded interest in problem-solving, engineering and science through real-world experience.”

-NU Teams Mission Statement

Education & Training

Bachelor of Aerospace Systems Engineering (Honours) - 4-year honours degree commenced in 2019, extended to 5 years to facilitate extracurricular leadership, to integrate into a Final Year Project (NU Racing, Rocketry, NU Teams).

Awards & Recognition

Hunter Defence Conference Panelist (Hunter Defence 2021)

College Commendation List (UoN 2021)

Schools Outreach in STEM Competitions (RDA Hunter 2020)

Altitude Accord Scholarship - Runners up (LMA 2019)

Representative for Degree (UoN 2019)

STEM Defence + Innovation Program (ME Program 2017)

Honeywell Engineering Summer School (Engineers Australia 2017)

Advanced Space Academy Wings (U.S.A 2017)

Winner - Enabled by Design (Hackathon 2017)

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